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If you use our maintenance service you will receive free telephone support and reduced rates. Our normal rate is £70.00 + VAT per hour. Our maintenance service rate is £50.00 + VAT per hour.

Often problems can be solved over the telephone and whenever possible we attempt this option first. If a problem cannot be solved over the telephone we arrange an on-site call as soon as is convenient to you.

To help you calculate the cost of our maintenance service for your business here are our charges:

For each computer in your company we charge £10 + VAT per month
If the computer is a server we charge £20 + VAT per month

For example:
2 computers and no server would cost £20 + VAT per month
2 computers and a server would cost £40 + VAT per month
10 computers and a server would cost £120 + VAT per month

This service is designed to provide small to medium sized businesses with immediate telephone support and reliable onsite support when needed.